Tree Swallow Bird House Plans: A Comprehensive Guide

Tree Swallow Bird House Plans
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Are you a bird lover looking to attract tree swallows to your backyard? Building a birdhouse is a fun and rewarding way to provide these beautiful birds with a safe and comfortable place to nest. But where do you start?

In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide on building the perfect tree swallow birdhouse. From understanding tree swallows and choosing the right birdhouse to DIY plans, maintenance, and monitoring, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s get started!

Understanding Tree Swallows

Eco-friendly bird house for tree swallows
Eco-friendly bird house for tree swallows

Description of Tree Swallows and their Nesting Habits

Tree swallows are small, slender birds with iridescent blue-green feathers on their backs and white feathers on their bellies. They are migratory and can be found across North America during breeding season, typically from March to August.

Tree swallows are cavity nesters, meaning they nest in holes in trees or artificial structures such as birdhouses. They prefer open habitats near water, such as wetlands, fields, or meadows.

During breeding season, males will establish territories and attract females by performing aerial displays. Once paired, they will work together to build their nest, which consists of grasses, feathers, and other soft materials.

Benefits of Attracting Tree Swallows to Your Yard

Attracting tree swallows to your yard can provide numerous benefits. These birds are insectivores and can consume hundreds of mosquitoes and other flying insects per day, making them natural pest controllers.

In addition, tree swallows are beautiful birds to watch and can provide entertainment and educational opportunities for families and bird enthusiasts. By providing nest boxes, you can also contribute to conservation efforts for this species, which has faced habitat loss and competition from invasive species.

Choosing the Right Bird House

Tree swallow inspecting its new home
Tree swallow inspecting its new home

When it comes to building a birdhouse for tree swallows, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure their nesting success. Here are some important factors to consider:

Size and Design Specifications

Tree swallows prefer birdhouses with specific size and design specifications. The birdhouse should have an entrance hole that measures 1 1/2 inches in diameter. The house should also be 8 inches tall, 5 inches wide, and 8 inches deep. This size is perfect for accommodating tree swallow nests and chicks.

Additionally, the birdhouse should have ventilation holes and drainage holes at the bottom to prevent water from accumulating inside.

Materials and Construction Tips

The material and construction of the birdhouse are critical for durability and safety. It’s recommended to use untreated lumber, such as cedar, which is naturally resistant to insects and rot. Avoid using pressure-treated wood, as it contains chemicals that can harm birds and their young.

When constructing the birdhouse, use screws instead of nails, as screws are more secure and easier to replace if necessary. Make sure the roof is sloped to prevent water from accumulating on top.

Placement Considerations

The location of the birdhouse is just as important as its design and construction. Tree swallows prefer to nest in open areas near water, such as ponds or streams. Mount the birdhouse on a pole or post at least 5 to 10 feet off the ground and away from trees or other structures.

Make sure the birdhouse is facing away from prevailing winds and receives plenty of sunlight throughout the day. This will help keep the birdhouse dry and warm, which is essential for the health and safety of the birds and their young.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can ensure that your tree swallow birdhouse is the perfect home for these beautiful birds.

DIY Tree Swallow Bird House Plans

Adorable tree swallow chick in its cozy home
Adorable tree swallow chick in its cozy home

Are you ready to build your own tree swallow birdhouse? Here are some step-by-step instructions to get you started:

Step-by-Step Instructions for Building a Basic Bird House

  1. Cut the wood pieces to size:
    • 1 front piece (8″ x 6″)
    • 1 back piece (8″ x 8″)
    • 2 side pieces (6″ x 5″)
    • 1 bottom piece (5″ x 5″)
    • 1 roof piece (9″ x 8″)
  2. Cut the entrance hole:
    • 1 1/2″ diameter, centered 1″ below the top edge of the front piece.
  3. Drill ventilation and drainage holes:
    • Two 1/4″ ventilation holes near the top of both side pieces.
    • Four 1/8″ drainage holes in the bottom piece.
  4. Assemble the birdhouse:
    • Attach the sides to the front and back pieces with screws.
    • Attach the bottom piece with screws.
    • Attach the roof piece with screws.
  5. Paint or stain the birdhouse:
    • Use non-toxic paint or stain for the safety of the birds.

Customization Options for Advanced Builders

For more advanced builders, here are some customization options to consider:

  • Add a predator guard to protect the nestlings from raccoons and other predators.
  • Install a hinged roof or side panel for easy cleaning and monitoring.
  • Use decorative elements such as copper roofs or colorful paints to make your birdhouse stand out.

Recommended Tools and Materials

To build a tree swallow birdhouse, you will need:

  • Saw
  • Drill
  • Screws
  • Non-toxic paint or stain
  • Sandpaper
  • 1/2″ drill bit
  • 1/4″ drill bit
  • 1/8″ drill bit

With these tools and materials, you can create a safe and comfortable home for your feathered friends.

Maintenance and Monitoring

Seasonal Upkeep Tasks for Tree Swallow Bird Houses

Once you’ve built your tree swallow birdhouse, it’s important to keep it properly maintained to ensure its longevity and the safety of your feathered friends.

During the nesting season (usually from early April to late July), you should check your birdhouse every two weeks to ensure it’s clean and in good condition. Remove any debris or nesting material that may have accumulated and check for signs of damage or wear.

At the end of the season, clean the birdhouse thoroughly to remove any remaining nesting material and parasites. Use a 10% bleach solution to disinfect the inside of the house and rinse it thoroughly with water. Allow the birdhouse to dry completely before storing it for the winter.

Tips for Monitoring Nesting Activity and Success

It’s exciting to watch tree swallows build their nests and raise their young, but it’s important to be respectful and not disturb them during this process.

You can monitor the nesting activity by observing the comings and goings of the adult birds, without getting too close to the birdhouse. You may also notice the parents carrying food to the nest or hear the young birds chirping for food.

To determine the success of the nesting, check the birdhouse at the end of the season to see if any eggs have hatched and if any young birds have fledged. If you find any unhatched eggs or dead birds, it’s important to remove them promptly to prevent the spread of disease.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, things may go wrong with your birdhouse. Here are a few common issues and how to troubleshoot them:

  • No birds nesting: Make sure that your birdhouse is properly placed and meets the size and design specifications for tree swallows. You may also need to be patient and wait for the birds to discover the new house.
  • Excessive moisture: If your birdhouse becomes damp or moldy, it may be due to poor ventilation or a leaky roof. Ensure that your birdhouse has adequate ventilation and a properly installed roof to prevent moisture buildup.
  • Predators: If you notice signs of predation, such as feathers or eggshells outside the birdhouse, you may need to add predator guards or relocate the birdhouse to a safer location.

By following these maintenance and monitoring tips, you can help ensure the success of your tree swallow birdhouse and enjoy the beauty of these graceful birds in your backyard.


In conclusion, building a tree swallow birdhouse is a great way to attract these beautiful birds to your yard. Not only do they add beauty and charm to your outdoor space, but they also help control insect populations and promote biodiversity.

By following our comprehensive guide, you can ensure that your birdhouse is safe, comfortable, and attractive to tree swallows. Remember to monitor your birdhouse regularly and perform seasonal maintenance to ensure its longevity.

If you’re looking for more information on tree swallows or other bird species, be sure to visit We provide expert advice and answers to frequently asked questions about these fascinating creatures.

So what are you waiting for? Start building your tree swallow birdhouse today and enjoy the beauty and benefits that these amazing birds have to offer!